
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/22 05:18:54
看惯了莎士比亚的悲剧,偶而换换口胃,欣赏一下他写的喜剧,也蛮有味道的。 上个星期,我读了莎士比亚写的名著《威尼斯商人》,让我感觉到友情的珍贵。主人公安东尼奥和贵族青年巴萨尼奥之间的真挚友谊,面对生与死的考验,他们的友谊更显得无私。《威尼斯商人》和莎士比亚其他的剧本一样,表现了他对生活的热爱,还有对青春的向往。我觉得这个剧本的情节曲折有趣,洋溢着十分浓厚的喜剧色彩,也体现了莎士比亚本人在生活中开朗乐观的性格。 剧中有个既可恨,又使人同情的人物,他叫夏洛克,是个犹太人,放高利贷的。他唯利是图,贪得无厌,但是他也是一个受歧视的犹太人。剧中他代表受压迫的犹太人说的一段话一直令我难忘:“难道犹太人没有眼睛、没有五官四肢、没有知觉、没有感情、没有血性?他不是吃着同样的食物,能受同样的武器伤害,同样需要医药治疗,冬天会觉得冷,夏天会觉得热,跟基督徒一样吗?”他为一个受苦受难的民族发出了不平的呼声。 我比较喜欢那个鲍西亚。她优雅高贵、温柔多情,有高度的智慧,敢于机智果断地投身于行动,用自己的行动证明妇女不比男子差。 这本书写出了当时生活在威尼斯的商人那儿的真实故事,人间的亲情和友情比什么都重要,这本书写出了我们对待朋友应有的态度。 想不到莎士比亚写的喜剧是那样有趣味。

"The Merchant of Venice" Du Hougan
Shakespeare used to look at the tragedy, I occasionally switch stomach, to enjoy what he wrote comedy and the Man You smell. Last week, I read a novel written by Shakespeare's "Merchant of Venice", I feel that the valuable friendship. Hero Antonio and Bassanio aristocratic youth between the sincere friendship, in the face of the challenges of life and death, their friendship all the more selfless. "The Merchant of Venice" and other Shakespeare plays, the performance of his life's passion, the desire of youth. I think this script interesting twists and turns of the plot, filled with a very strong comedy, but also reflects the life of Shakespeare himself in the character of cheerful optimism. There is a drama not only hateful, and people sympathize with the characters, he called Shylock, a Jew, the loansharking. He mercenary, greedy, but he is also a discrimination against the Jews. Play on behalf of the op